Sony has released a new firmware version for the Sony Xperia XZ Premium. From now on the firmware 47.1.A.12.235 is available for download. So that all XperiFIX users can also enjoy the new firmware, the device configuration was updated last night. When starting XperiFIX, the current configuration data is read in and used.
So if you want to update your XZ Premium to the latest firmware, you can easily do that. After flashing the firmware, XperiFIX can be used as usual.
47.1.A.12.205. I do not really need to update. Given that I do not have access to a computer, can I ignore Sony? If I update, do I lose the DRM patch till I apply XperiFIX again? Could I delete the update from my mobile?
You can ignore the Sony update message. If you flash a firmware, you have to run XperiFIX again.
So unlock the BL means no OTA right? But can I update my device by flashing the firmware with computer(newflasher etc.) without loss of all the data?
Updated on XZ1 Compact and camera is not working, doesn’t make shots at all.
The only possible reason is a problem with TWRP. Maybe there was a problem mounting the storage or something like that. Please open a ticket and we will check this together. 🙂
have updated to .235 – ran xperifix but stock camera is not working? any ideas? just when going to take a picture it hangs there then closes??? anyone else having this problem? if not i will just reflash over weekend etc
same issues
The only possible reason is a problem with TWRP. Maybe there was a problem mounting the storage or something like that. Please open a ticket and we will check this together. 🙂
new version is compatible with xposed?
@Storm, just a quick one as the Magisk V16.0 safety net is failing all the time. Is there anything I need to do or worry about? I read something about Google changed something in their configuration? How can I fix this issue?
I am already working on a solution 🙂
Working perfectly!
Waiting for Magisk V17 as it seems there is still no way for Xposed :-/
The next update will support latest Magisk versions. I fixed the compatibility issues. 🙂
hi. my windows its 64bit and the app its for 32bit,keeps freezing and won’t connect
XperiFIX is for 32+64bit Windows. Please check if your firewall is blocking XperiFIX, that could freeze the application. Also make sure you are in fastboot mode (blue LED). Please use the ticket system if you have still problems.
Hi St0rm. Nice Job vou have done. Before i give It a try, i would like to know if xperifix will do a ta backup. I am Not sure how to Backup with LB and no root.
Hi Sven, there is actually no way to backup the TA.
Nabend Heiko. Schöner scoop mit xperifix. Kompliment. Ich bin auch schon ein paar Jahre bei xda unterwegs, aber beim xzp muss ich zugeben das ich super verunsichert bin. Das liegt aber auch am thread bei xda. Selten so ein Chaos und so dreiste leecher erlebt. Naja das hat alles dazu geführt das ich den Ãœberblick verloren habe und mein xzp noch komplett jungfräulich ist. Nun aber zu meiner frage: macht xperifix auch ein ta backup im Falle eines unberührten drm’s? Ich trau mir das irgendwie nicht zu, zu rooten, drm zu sichern. Wenn ich roote geht das drm doch schon verloren oder? Aber soweit ich gelesen habe brauche ich doch vollen root um drm überhaupt sichern zu können oder nicht? Bin echt froh das du deutsch verstehst, an dem Text hätte ich mir auf englisch sicher einen abgebrochen. 🙂
Moin Sven, danke dir! Also bisher war es nicht möglich ein TA Backup zu machen, denn dafür würde man temporär Root benötigen (also einen Hack im laufenden System). Im Grunde ist es total einfach mit XperiFIX. Du musst lediglich die Entwickleroptionen öffnen, dort OEM Freischaltung (Bootloader unlock) erlauben. Danach auf der Sony Entwickler Website den Entsperrcode anfordern und den Bootloader damit entsperren (via fastboot). Achtung: Sobald du den Bootloader entsperrt hast, setzt sich das Gerät automatisch auf Werkseinstellungen zurück (kompletter Datenverlust – also vorher alles extern sichern). Sobald der Bootloader offen ist, einfach in Fastboot booten und XperiFIX drüber laufen lassen. Danach hast du TWRP, Root und DRM patch hinter dir. Cheers! 🙂
Same issue here with the camera, did you ever get it figured out? My camera app just hangs, not taking any pictures at all.
There were users reporting the same issue. They were able to fix it. The reason was using “Flashtool” to flash the firmware. After using “Newflasher” instead, XperiFIX worked smooth without any problems. So it could be a bug in Flashtool that is causing errors with the fix.
Dear administrator,i have buy the exprifix .but the system appears ::
please wait
waiting vor adb access….
i have correct mounted twrp3.2.1.0 version in my G8142 .why the softeware appear the metions?
That can only be due to two things. Either your firewall is blocking XperiFIX / adb or you have not installed the correct Sony device drivers. It must be recognized as “Sony XXXXX ADB Interface” in your Windows device manager, while TWRP is running.
hola necesito root para xperia xz premiun 45.0.A.1.229 , saludos desde chile.
Any date when you gonna release the update for 47.1.A.12.270_R4B?
It’s supported since weeks 🙂 German: Die Firmware wird bereits seit einiger Zeit unterstützt. Es gab nur keinen offiziellen Blogeintrag dazu. Die Gerätelisten werden auf dem Server aktualisiert und von der Software automatisch beim Start heruntergeladen.
the fix not works with latest firmware G8142 47.1.A.16.20.
It does! You have to use the manual mode in XperiFIX and select the related TWRP and Magisk, then start the fix.
Can you explain me how it works:
Now I’m using 47.1.A. 12.270 with XperiFix patch.
Today an update 47.1.A.16.20 is available from OTA.
If I install update then XperiFix will still works or I should again patch my phone with XperiFix by computer after I will install the update ?
You have to use XperiFIX again after updating the firmware.
Hi I am currently running
everything works fine but phone keeps wanting to update.
xperifirm says latest firmware for my phone is
is this new firmware safe to flash? or do I need to wait until android pie is working with xperifix?
The fix will NOT work with Android Pie. If you want to keep the fix, please don’t upgrade.